Why I Joined The Bookstagram Community 

Why I Joined The Bookstagram Community 

As we dive into 2021, I've found myself consumed by my latest reads. I've always loved books, but to be honest, I found it hard to sit still and read last year due to the pandemic. I felt too antsy, so I occupied my time with home workouts, baking and puppy cuddles.

But something seems to have shifted for me, and lately reading has become my go-to for alone time. It might sound silly, but curling up with a good book and getting lost in the story reminds me of my childhood and teen years. A time when life was slower and I really let myself indulge in the things I loved. 

Since Toronto has been in lockdown for quite some time, I’ve been experimenting with different hobbies to keep me occupied (and sane). While I’ve enjoyed plenty of them — from puzzles to cross-stitching — nothing really stuck. I then discovered an excellent combination to add to my daily routine: meditation followed by reading. 

As a society, we consume so much content every day, so as a way to ensure I slow down and really think about what I’ve just read, I’ve joined the bookstagram community (@KhooReads) to review my latest reads, reflect on what I’ve learned, and make recommendations to others. 

To kick things off, I wanted to share this beautiful book called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. It’s not a new read for me, but I think it’s a crucial one, especially in times like these.

It's marketed as a graphic novel, but I would describe it more as an essential picture book for all ages. The story follows a boy, a mole, a fox and horse and their thoughtful, heartwarming interactions. It’s about friendship, love, kindness, gratitude, overcoming fear and so much more. 

💥TL;DR: If you need a pick-me-up during these uncertain times, this book delivers everything you need in the form of heartwarming life lessons with an air of childlike innocence. 5/5

Read more about The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy:

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